Another great gum bichromate workshop!

Elizabeth above coating a cyan layer

Elizabeth above coating a cyan layer

Since the renovation and building of my studio space, which I love-- sitting right in my own back yard, 22 steps from house to studio door-- I've been teaching private workshops on some of the printing techniques I frequently use.

So this past Saturday, a good friend of mine and fellow photographer, Elizabeth Galecke who also lives and works in Raleigh, had asked if I would teach her and her young mentee, Rae, the gum bichromate printing process.  I was a little worried about teaching this process to an 11-year old, mainly for safety reasons, but no worries there.  (If you consistently wear gloves, don't get sloppy, and have a healthy respect for all chemicals, you'll be okay.)  Both Elizabeth and Rae-- such tireless and enthusiastic troopers they are --made some lovely and impressive prints, which just confirms what I've always thought-- that no matter what printing process you use, you need interesting and compelling images to start.  And they did. 

We had such a good time, and I was amazed at how much they got done.  I love seeing people get excited about this process and to experience first-hand just a little of the seemingly infinite creative and interpretive possibilities gum offers.  

Rae and Elizabeth at the end of the day with 2 of their prints.

Rae and Elizabeth at the end of the day with 2 of their prints.

So thanks to both for making this such a fun day!  I can't wait to see what they do with the process from here on out!  See more on Elizabeth's own blog post about the workshop!