GreenHill: Winter Show!

I am very happy and honored to have been invited to show my gum prints in the GreenHill Winter Show this year, curated by Edie Carpenter. Showing a mix of mediums, Winter Show is the quintessential showing of art produced by North Carolina artists today.

GreenHill is located in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the opening is December 6. 'Collector's Choice' opening is December 5 at 7 pm. Check it out, and I hope to see you there! 

And here's one of several tricolor gums I'm showing this year.

Shadow & Light Magazine

I am thrilled and honored to be the featured photographer in the November/December issue of Shadow & Light Magazine.  A big thanks to Tim Anderson, publisher and editor of Shadow & Light!

Shadow & Light is a PDF-based bi-monthly publication covering all aspects of the art of photography.  Annual subscription rate is $10; single issue $2.50.  

Wonderful imagery and informative articles.  Well worth a subscription!  

Alchemical Ensemble: New Visions in Historic Photographic Processes

I am honored to have been invited to show some of my gum bichromate prints in Alchemical Ensemble: New Visions in Historic Photographic Processes, at the Sidney Larson Gallery of Columbia College, in Columbia, Missouri.  

The show opens today, October 19, and runs through November 27.  A reception and gallery talk will be held Friday, October 23, from 5 - 7 pm.  A huge thanks goes to Scott McMahon, who curated this exhibit.  

©Eric Renner & Nancy Spencer, from Alchemical Ensemble

©Eric Renner & Nancy Spencer, from Alchemical Ensemble

New Visions in Historic Photographic Process

showcasing 20 artists from the United States, United Kingdom, Poland and Germany

October 19 - November 27
Reception & Gallery Talk: Friday, Oct. 23rd from 5-7pm



Blurring the Lines: Alchemical Ensemble show focuses on obscure processesreview by Amy Wilder.

" . . . The practice of alchemy was centered on transforming materials. These photographers paint with light and transform the page with chemistry and keep the mystery and awe of photography and the illusory visual world alive in their work.

Photography is a mysterious process, even after centuries of use and practice, even after a transmutation to pixels, ones and zeros. The challenge and mystery of the work draws some artists like moths; the best of these create haunting, seemingly haunted, work."  

And you can read the entire review here.



Art Intersection Gum Workshop!

©Michael Puff, 2015  Tri-color gum print 

I keep meaning to upload images from the gum workshop I taught a few weeks ago, out at the amazing Art Intersection, located in Gilbert, Arizona.  What a beautiful place-- outstanding facilities and people-- so welcoming-- and such a great community.  I had a wonderful filled class of ten, and each and every one was terrific.  We had so much fun.  Caroline, who is a real gem, was my assistant, and she was so incredibly helpful to me.  I could not have taught this workshop without her.  The weekend went so smoothly.  The only thing missing was a tiny bit of humidity in the desert out there!

Before I upload the images from the workshop, though, I recently heard from one of my students, Michael Puff, a friend and a very talented, adept platinum printer.  Michael lives in California and was in the workshop.  He made the above print the week he got home and emailed it to me.  I'm blown away by this image and the print-- so compelling and so other-worldly-- and just a perfectly perfect print, in my view.  As with all processes, to start out with a beautiful image always helps.  

But this just goes to show that you CAN make a beautiful gum print at home, alone, even when the workshop has ended.  It really doesn't get much better than this.  Click on Michael's image  to view it larger.

To view more images made during the Art Intersection gum workshop and one I taught recently at the wonderful Light Factory, in Charlotte, NC, please check out my Workshops page here.

Cornelius Art Opening

The opening of Awakening, at Cornelius Art Center was so much fun.  We had a great crowd, and live music outside.  I'll post more pictures, but here's one someone took from the Art Center.  I'm in the middle, and Jen Crickenberger, Director/Curator of the Art Center is on the left there, and Aspen Hochhalter, another exhibiting artist, is on the right.  I'll post some images of the show itself, which lasts through mid-November, soon.

©Cornelius Art Center L to R:  Jen Crickenberger; Diana Bloomfield; Aspen Hochhalter

©Cornelius Art Center L to R:  Jen Crickenberger; Diana Bloomfield; Aspen Hochhalter

'Awakening' Exhibit, Cornelius Art Center

I am so happy to be invited to show my work in the upcoming exhibit, entitled Awakening, to be held at the Cornelius Art Center, in Cornelius, North Carolina, opening September 19.  


In addition to my own pinhole work, the exhibit includes the works of Christina Z. Anderson; Aspen Hochhalter; and S. Gayle Stevens.  I am thrilled to be exhibiting with these fine active artists whose work I've long admired.  Our images and print-making choices vary greatly, yet you might fine a certain commonality in our visions.  This exhibit was curated by Jen Crickenberger of the Cornelius Art Center.

Read more about it, below:

Awakening unites the art of four female photographers from across the United States for a visual exploration of the internal human experience.  Thoughts, memories and dreams that lie far beneath the surface are expressed as epiphanies captured one frame at a time.  Antique photographic processes illuminate latent images forming reflective moments of inquiry and resolution.  These soft and almost fluid pictures convey a sense of awakening as a personal revelation and as an activation of residual mental imagery.  Artists represented include Christina Z. Anderson; Diana H. Bloomfield; Aspen Hochhalter, and S. Gayle Stevens.

Awakening will be on exhibit at the Cornelius Art Center from September 17 to November 23, 2015.  Opening Reception on September 19, from 6-8 pm.  The High Ridge Pickers will be playing bluegrass in Studio C from 5:30-7 pm.  Artist talk at 7 pm.

I'll be attending Saturday night, so I hope to see you there!

Depth of Field 2015!

Join us for the opening weekend of Depth of Field 2015, organized by and Gilbert, Arizona's Art Intersection, September 10-14, which will take place at Art Intersection.  

Depth of Field 2015

Check out all the amazing events, including the Exhibition itself, the Photographers' Roundtable, and the Workshop offerings.  I'll be teaching a two-day Gum Bichromate Workshop during the opening weekend, Saturday, September 12 and 13.   If you have any questions about my workshop specifically, feel free to contact me.  

So join us!  And you can read more about it all here.